Cursor Physical Therapy

Cursor Physical Therapy

We help active adults and athletes get back to the hobbies they enjoy without surgery, stopping activities they love, or relying on pain medicine.

An individualized approach to physical therapy and sports performance.

Proudly serving Denver and surrounding areas.

We provide physical therapy care that puts YOU first

We use a 3 step process to help you get back to doing the things you love!

Step 1: Find The Root Cause

  • A biomechanical assessment used to identify the root cause of your pain. We will explain what needs to be done to get you back to living pain free.

Step 2: Fix The Problem Areas

  • We use a holistic approach and tailor a program for you and your goals. A 1 on 1 approach that allows us to develop solutions for the problems you are facing.

Step 3: Perform

  • We don’t stop once you are pain free. We give you the tools to stay pain free and to stay at your highest level of performance.

Cursor Physical Therapy was created to provide a higher quality of care than traditional physical therapy. Our system gives us the freedom to find what is holding you back and develop a plan that gets you back to where you want to be.

Who We Help

Are you trying to stay fit/healthy? Are you limited from participating in your favorite activities like running, climbing, or CrossFit?

Have you been dealing with a chronic injury?

Have you seen other medical professionals with no long lasting changes?

Does This Sound Like You?

Cursor Physical Therapy and Performance was founded to solve these problems for our clients. Our goal is to help you stay healthy and active with whatever type of activity you choose.

Life is more enjoyable when you don’t have to worry about pain and doing the things you love. We help you stay pain free and live the life you deserve.

Who We Treat…

Active Adults

  • Who need help getting back to the activities they love after an injury


  • Who want to train pain free and improve performance

Athletes/Gym Enthusiasts

  • Who want to continue to push their limits and don’t want their pain to interfere with their training goals.

Active Parents

  • Who know that spending time with their kids is a lot more enjoyable without pain

Mountain Athletes

  • Who want to continue to push the limits in their outdoor adventures

What We Treat…

  • Orthopedic pain (back, neck, shoulder, hip, knee, etc)

  • Running Injuries

  • Lifting Injuries

  • Sports Injuries

  • Vestibular Rehab


  • We do not contract with insurance companies. This allows us to treat you without limitations that are set by insurance companies. This puts you, as the patient, first and allows you to receive the care that you need. We have options that allow you to submit a claim to your insurance for reimbursement. For more info on this, contact us.

  • Your session will be completely 1 on 1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. There will not be any other patients being treated at the same time as you. The visits will focus on manual therapy and exercises to help address the limitations that were found in the initial evaluation.

  • If you are doing a 60 minute physical therapy visit, then anything that will aid your rehab is included. This includes: dry needling, cupping, hands on manual therapy, education, Home exercise program, and exercises

    If you are doing a 30 minute recovery session, then this will include modalities and manual therapy to help your recovery. No exercises are provided

Hi, my name is Joshua Phalen and I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Strength and Conditioning Coach, and a UESCA Running Coach. I have years of experience training at the collegiate level, as well as, training everyday people!

If you’re like me, you started your fitness journey to improve yourself! It was a challenge that may have been intimidating and even outright scary, but you didn’t let that hold you back. You wanted to continue to challenge yourself to achieve new things with your body!

As I progressed with my fitness journey, I realized that one of the things that brought me the most joy was watching other people achieve goals that they had put so much time and effort into.

Josh is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with years of experience in the sports medicine field and strength and conditioning experience at the collegiate level.

Most recently he has become a UESCA-certified Running Coach to help people on their endurance journey.

Josh has worked with people of all ages and skill levels and helped them progress through their fitness journey

Josh’s passion is helping people both in physical therapy and coaching. He loves to see people commit to a process and achieve a goal! He is devoted to making a well-rounded program that focuses on a full-body approach to not only improve fitness but set you up for long-term success!

Client Reviews

Let’s work together

Located in Thornton

Crossfit MOB

3750 E 120th Ave, Thornton, CO 80233